Ionic Foot Detox
Mar 23,2023
If you feel tired, sluggish or tired, are under stress or are eating poorly, you may need a detox. The ionic foot bath will cleanse the cells by removing heavy metals and toxins from the body.
The Centers for Disease Control tested 2,000 people in 2005 and found more than 60 toxic compounds. Body detoxification is essential these days. Due to poor diet and stress, the body accumulates and stores excess acidic waste products such as lactic acid, uric acid and acetic acid. This toxic, acidic waste attacks joints, muscles, tissues, glands and organs, causing bodily dysfunction.
But if you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of negatively charged ions that alkalize your blood and tissues. The combination of water and salt creates ions that the body uses to neutralize acidic waste in the tissues. This process is called ionization, and it happens naturally on beaches as trillions of water molecules hit the Earth.
The Ionic Foot Detox is a safe and natural way to detoxify the body from the inside through the feet. It will rebalance positive and negative ions to aid in better nutrient absorption.
The detox begins the moment you put your feet in the tub. Our ionic foot detoxifier produces millions of negatively and positively charged ions. Through the process of osmosis, these ions attract oppositely charged toxins from the body. These toxins then attach to the charged ions and are flushed out of your body and into the water.