What can an ion detoxifying foot bath do for me? Jan 26,2024
What can an ion detoxifying foot bath do for me?
Detox foot baths are reported to help with the following:

·Strengthen the immune system

·Assist with recovery time from injuries and surgeries

·Can relieve pain and joint stiffness caused by arthritis

·Improve sleep patterns

·Remove heavy metals

·Remove blood clot material

·Improve liver and kidney function

There is very little research on Ion Foot Detox (IFD). Dr. Bob Moroney, founder of A Major Difference (AMD), conducted the following research to determine what is in IFD water.

A study by Moroney (2002) revealed that “the presence of urea, glucose, and creatinine molecules in bathwater after use of ion spas may reflect transport through the skin via cotransporters coupled to cation (Na + or H + ) transport. Osmosis and diffusion. ) or substrate (sugar, amino acid, ion). He said that from a clinical point of view, no serious adverse reactions were observed. During the operation, some patients experienced paresthesia, but it disappeared quickly. Although the sample size Smaller, but the findings suggest the presence of non-ionic plasma molecules that could possibly pass through biological membranes and extract ionized toxic waste."

Research has found increased levels of toxic metals in foot spa water compared to the water used before the session. This study confirms that by using the Ionic Foot Detox System, it is possible to reduce the removal of toxic metals from the body, as evidenced by water testing.
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