Why detox your body?
May 10,2023
Why detox your body?
We live in the most polluted environment in the known history of the Earth. We are constantly inhaling and absorbing residues from petrochemicals, plastics and pesticides that occupy cellular receptor sites and block hormone utilization. Consider the following statistics:
75,000 synthetic chemicals are produced in the U.S. annually [1]
Over 3,000 chemicals added to food supply [1]
More than 10,000 chemical solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are used in food processing [2]
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 60% of herbicides, 90% of insecticides, and 30% of insecticides are known to cause cancer [3]
All of the above statistics are directly related to increased exposure to petrochemicals, toxins, heavy metals and other chemicals in the environment. While there is no process or way to prevent these harmful substances from entering our delicate systems, an ionic foot detox can help minimize the buildup of toxic substances in the body. Reducing the total amount of toxic substances in the body will reduce the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases and improve overall muscle/organ function and quality of life.
Ionic Foot Detox
frequently asked questions
Ion purification testimonials
According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of "Alkalize or Die," acidic waste can attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands, causing mild or severe dysfunction. Due to poor eating habits and daily exposure to toxins, we tend to accumulate and store excess waste.
He asserts that avoiding disease and maintaining vitality as we age requires maintaining an alkaline environment throughout the body—something that's nearly impossible to achieve in our high-tech, high-stress, toxic society.
What to expect during an ionic cleansing foot detox
During the 30-minute treatment, place your bare feet in a basin of warm water. The main control unit converts the alternating current into a low-power direct current, and the direct current passes through a patented electrode array placed in front of the feet in the footbath. Ions are created when electricity and metal combine to split water molecules from H2O into H+ and OH- ions. These ions travel through the body, neutralizing oppositely charged particles (such as free radicals), and through strong osmotic pressure, those neutralized particles are expelled through any skin surface that comes into contact with water.
As the particles leave the body, they can clump together and accumulate in the water, causing discoloration of the water in the foot tub. The fatty and mucus residue found in the water after a footbath reflects the neutralized waste products that leave the body during the treatment. Below is a color chart illustrating what to see during an ionic clean*: